Jillian B.
Tour Guide at Mercer University
Class of 2027
Hometown: Fayetteville, GA
Major: Law & Public Policy
Secondary Major: French
Minor: International Affairs
What is your favorite memory at Mercer so far?
My favorite memory has definitely been the football games. Since I am apart of the marching band, I always have had the most fun cheering on the bears with a great group of people.
I chose Mercer because...
I chose Mercer because I knew the campus life and environment would be what I need to succeed in college. The campus is small but not small to the point where it's boring and the life on campus always remains peaceful even through midterm and final season. The professors here also want their students to succeed. You really are not a number in the class which is something that has helped my academic life.
What is your favorite restaurant in Macon, GA?
I love the Rookery! They have the best burgers in Downtown Macon (in my opinion). Also, if you like boba, Hello Boba is such a cute place to get some boba which is also in Downtown Macon.
Best advice you have for incoming students?
To just go with the flow. The process of getting into a college, applying for scholarships, housing, and everything else can be really stressful at first glance. Just breathe. It will all make sense when it needs to make sense. We have all been in your shoes and we have all come out on the other side. Just go with the flow and you will be fine!