
Alana M.

Tour Guide at Mercer University


Class of 2025

Hometown: Cumming, GA

Major: Criminal Justice

Secondary Major: Infomation Science

Minor: Spanish

My Schedule:

Thursday: 1pm

Schedule A Visit

Best advice you have for incoming students?

Don't be afraid to join a club or take a class you have zero experience in. College is about finding your way.

I chose Mercer because...

The amazing opportunities available early in my undergraduate career and the welcoming community.

What is your favorite restaurant in Macon, GA?

Decadent Bakery is the best place if you have a sweet tooth like yours truly! Try the creme brulee, it's lifechanging.

What is your favorite memory at Mercer so far?

Creating a service project for the homeless population aimed at mental health in my introduction to ethics class. It was an amazing experience to understand the problems this vulnerable population faces and find ways to help. I also learned about how I can be a more ethical leader in the future.

I'm passionate about...

Crocheting Entrepreneurship Student Advocacy

I'm involved with...

Admissions LGBTQ Student Union Health and fitness Mercer Ambassadors Residence Hall Association
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